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Our team is filled with brilliance and talent representing the breadth and depth of the farmworker communities we serve. Many of our staff know first-hand the realities of farm work and all of them are dedicated to the power and prosperity of the women who feed our communities, and our nation.  Meet our team!

  • Suguet López

    Executive Director


    I joined Líderes Campesinas because the organization has helped me recognize my talents and strengths and because every day I am presented with an opportunity to be the change I want to see in my community. I’m passionate about being witness to our Mission in Action every day and with all my colleagues who make up the movement of campesinas in California and at national level.

  • Paula Placencia

    Organizing Director


    I joined Líderes Campesinas for its mission and compromise with the community. It’s my passion and I’m very proud of the accomplishments that we’ve been able to achieve.

  • Ramona Felix

    Director of Membership


    Phone: (760)574-7101

  • Irene De Barraicua

    Director of Policy and Communications


    Phone: (805)767-0000
    I joined the team in a very synchronous way after witnessing for years all of the inequities and injustices endured by farmworker communities here and abroad. The powerful role of women in the Agricultural industry and in their household make them essential leaders in their communities and that was and continues to be what inspires me.

  • Claudia Quezada

    Environmental Justice Program Coordinator


    Phone: (805)844-4754

    I was a farmworker and my family is farm-working. During this time I saw all the injustice, the lack of training, wage theft and discrimination. This pushed me to do something different in my life and after almost 12 years I am still in this fight.

  • Elvira Herrera

    Violence Against Women Program Coordinator

    Phone: (760)953-6167

    I’m a survivor of domestic violence, human trafficking, and I’m the daughter of farmworkers. When I heard about Líderes Campesinas, what they do for women’s rights, victims of domestic violence, and when I learned the mission, my passion was born to be part of this organization in order to join this fight and obtain more rights and create changes.

  • Juanita Montoya

    Labor Rights Program Coordinator


    Phone: (661)557-5059

    Coming from a family of agricultural workers, and me being a farmworker, I’ve been witness to all the injustice that women and farmworkers face day to day. Because of this, the act of providing services and resources to the agricultural communities is a gratifying experience.

  • Yesenia Martínez

    Women’s Health Program Coordinator

    Phone: (661)565-6121

  • Yunuen Ibarra

    Director of Programs and Fund Development


    Phone: (760)668-5675

    I joined Líderes Campesinas because I am a daughter of farm working parents and I would’ve liked that my parents had a resource to go to and find more help for farmworkers. What I like about Líderes Campesinas is the constant effort to grow the leadership and personal development of farm-working women, and the dedication of the farm-working members to address the problems affecting the farmworking community and ensure they are heard and protected.

  • America Ramírez

    Policy and Advocacy Coordinator – Northern California


  • Liliana Vega

    Policy and Advocacy Coordinator – Southern California


  • Adriana Santos



    Phone: (831)235-9064

    What I like about Líderes Campesinas is its trajectory of many years and the outreach that it has.

  • Ana Solorio

    Project Coordinator/Organizer


    Phone: (760)668-6269

    I started working for Líderes Campesinas in 2021 under the CWOP project and I knew it was what I was looking for for the Imperial Valley community many years ago. 19 years ago we needed an agency to support the most vulnerable workers here. Líderes Campesinas is an organization made up of farmworkers and it supports farmworkers 100% to advocate for the human rights of each farm worker.

  • Beatriz Felix

    Outreach Worker


    Phone: (760)668-0479

    The work of Líderes Campesinas is unique and inspiring, hearing the stories from our membership of how Líderes Campesinas has changed their lives for the better.

    I like the work that is done to help rural women because they have been quite disprivileged 1. for being low-income, 2. for being women, and 3. for not knowing about their rights. I can personally say that when I was part of the youth group it helped me a lot to stay away from bad friendships and addictions. It helped me develop great leadership and self-confidence. I visited many places and made many connections. It helped me recognize in time when I found myself with a toxic partner which made it not difficult for me to have to end the relationship because it was early detection.

  • Erica Cabrera

    Project Coordinator/Organizer


    Phone: (209)354-6100

  • Esbeidy Piña Alcantar

    Outreach Worker


  • Gabina Santos

    Project Coordinator/Organizer


    Phone: (831)277-0512

    I joined Líderes Campesinas for its activism and to be able to help my community. I’m passionate about education and the empowerment of women and girl farmworkers.

  • Herendida Delena

    Outreach Worker

    Phone: (831)837-5219

    The reason why I joined Líderes Campesinas was to support and contribute trust to our farmworkers. My family worked in the fields and before there was no support like there is today, so now that we have the opportunity to provide support it’s important that we do it. I’m passionate about being able to help my agricultural community. Having the ability to provide them the support that our farm working women really need.

  • Irlanda Ramírez

    Project Coordinator / Organizer


    Phone: (559)553-5713

    I enjoy working directly with farm working women, the education and the empowerment so that their leadership grows and becomes the bridge to create change within them and their communities. I joined Líderes Campesinas because it’s an organization that works directly with farm working women and empowers them to be agents of change in their communities.

  • Leticia Cervantes

    Outreach Worker


    Phone: (805)319-8778

    The necessity to feel part of the community, the topic of immigration (which took a lot from me personally) and in the search to belong, I found Líderes Campesinas ; it reconnected me to my past and it help me support my family. I’m passionate about the direct contact with the community, to learn about them and to support them. I also feel happy learning about topics that help make farm-working women grow.

  • Lourdes Contreras

    Outreach Worker


    Phone: (442)933-9979

    I identify with Líderes Campesinas for its fight against domestic violence and to help women who suffer from this. I like that it is important to the organization that women self improve, to give them support and training so that they can move forward, because I’m part of this community and I like improving myself so I can help my community so that women can leave violent environments.

  • Lourdes Zamora

    Project Coordinator / Organizer


    Phone: (559)706-2526

    I love that Líderes Campesinas’s mission is to empower farm-working women and girls. Throughout history, the human rights of many women have been violated just for the simple fact of being called “Woman.” I think that the role of women in society is very important and should be seen as valuable just like that of men regardless of their race or language.

    I joined Líderes Campesinas because I saw the need to empower farmworkers since my childhood. My parents were farmers in Mexico and grew many products. I saw how they lived humbly and lacked much education. They emigrated to the United States and many of their rights were violated. I would like to do what I can to inform and advocate for immigrant women and families who made this country their new home so that their human rights are not violated.

  • Manuela Ramírez

    Youth Organizer (Coachella)


    Phone: (760)574-5059

    I’m part of Líderes Campesinas to serve my community. I joined this organization because I wanted to learn about women’s rights during a domestic violence abuse. 

  • Martha Elizabeth Moreno

    Project Coordinator / Organizer


    Phone: (559)794-0622

    My grandmother. Martha Moreno has been part of Líderes Campesinas since 1994; along with her, my mother Gloria Cruz form part of Líderes Campesinas since 1996. I’ve seen how they’ve been involved in the community and how much they’ve helped. I admire not only them, but also all the members and I want to continue supporting the community just as they’ve been doing. I’m passionate about helping women farmworkers know their rights and to help my community.

  • Virginia Moscoso

    Outreach Worker


    Phone: (530)908-9128

    What I am passionate about about Líderes Campesinas is being among the farming community, being able to educate the community and bring them information. I joined the organization because I looked at the needs of farmworkers and to be able to learn more as an organizer.

  • Yesenia Acosta

    Outreach Worker

    Phone: (661)438-6254

    Two roads took me to Líderes Campesinas. I was harassed and abused by a ranch manager in the field and at the same time I was experiencing domestic violence. I was an immigrant and I didn’t know anything about the law or the rights I had as a human being. Because of all this, I allowed these abuses, but I was referred to an agency through Líderes Campesinas and since then, I began to see the light. For eight years I’ve been a member volunteer, then I became an alternate in the North Kern chapter and now I am the organizer of the chapter.

  • Yuriria López Arciga

    Outreach Worker


    Phone: (661)496-8374

    I joined Líderes Campesinas because of its values ​​and its mission. Being the daughter of farmworker parents and having also worked in the field, made me approach the organization to be able to support farmworkers and advocate for declining laws that favor the migrant farmworker community.

  • Leslie Solorio




    I enjoy working for Líderes Campesinas because it’s an Organization that empowers women to become their own leaders. I wanted to work for an organization that provided a positive impact in our community and support farmworkers and women empowerment.

  • Josie Romero



    I came from a background of farm laborers and campesinas, back then there were not any type of organizations like Líderes Campesinas. I really enjoy all the organizational funding, private donations and the hard work of our staff at Líderes Campesinas who wish to support our farm working women.

  • Elvia Narvaez Olivia

    Finance Assistant


    I admire that Líderes Campesinas is an organization that helps the most vulnerable. I joined so that through my work I can contribute to the mission of Líderes Campesinas.

  • Anjelica Martínez

    Finance Assistant


    I love that Líderes Campesinas supports rural women in helping them find their voice and learn about their rights.

  • Nadia Gutiérrez

    Programs Assistant


    I had the chance to participate in the youth group during my childhood at Líderes Campesinas and since I was a kid I liked the organization’s movement. What I like the most about Líderes Campesinas is that we ourselves are the ones that improve our own lives

  • Margaret De Barraicua

    Program Assistant


    I joined Líderes Campesinas when the Coronavirus pandemic started and it was to help people in the fields to learn how to better protect themselves against the virus. I keep wanting to help people through outreach and information about how to navigate the system in their own communities to have a better quality of life. I enjoy the sisterhood and the passion to learn and share with others.

  • Sara Ceballos

    Program Assistant


    I joined Líderes Campesinas because I see the same mission in mind that I want for my daughter. As a single mother, I want my daughter and other women to know about this organization and take forward the message that by working together, change can be achieved. I see the effort of my colleagues who, apart from being homemakers, dedicate time to helping other women. I am passionate about the hard work these women do at home, at work, and with the organization. Extremely proud to work with them and the fact that I am a woman to work together.

  • Uriel Contreras Jiménez

    Media and Communications Specialist


    Phone: (209)844-6001

    Líderes Campesinas is an organization that defies the status quo. It demonstrates that immigrant women, farmworking women, indigenous women, young girls, mothers, grandmothers, and women in general can be leaders that can create so much positive change. As a man, I feel in very safe hands under the leadership of the excellent women who are part of this organization. I am here to contribute however I can to our mission and to reach out to more women so that they become aware they have the power to become great leaders.

  • Karen Lizarraga

    Data Analyst


    Phone: (760)553-7364

    My family is part of the population that Líderes Campesinas represents and I want to help the movement. Because of them and people like them. I like to see our mission in action. Like seeing all the efforts they make to give a voice to the people who don’t have one in this country. And see the passion and love with which they seek to create change.

  • Anaí Murillo

    Media and Communications Specialist


    I joined Líderes Campesinas because I wanted to be part of the change in the lives of farmworkers. Social media is an essential tool that our team strategically uses to amplify the outreach and the work our chapters do, spread consciousness about affairs and inform farmworkers about their rights.

  • Diana Trejo

    Media and Communications Specialist


    My mom and my dad worked in the fields when I was young and I saw them work hard to give me and my sister a better life. Líderes Campesinas helped my mom find a voice and a mission to help women like her. Now I see my mother is very passionate for an organization that helps women like her who have gone through and continue to go through difficulties while they work in the fields. It helped me become involved and want to ensure that everyone who works under these conditions can live the lives that they deserve.

  • Brandon Toji

    Data Analyst


    I joined Líderes Campesinas to be able to achieve their humanitarian goals using the knowledge and techniques I have learned through my studies. What I am passionate about about Líderes Campesinas is our mission: to promote a better quality of life and working conditions for farm workers. My immediate family and a large number of acquaintances have worked in the field, they have known the social and labor injustice that can be experienced when working in this profession. It is a privilege to participate in an organization that aims to help these workers who are pillars in their families, and in society even when they are not recognized.