As you may know, October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and each year Líderes Campesinas and all of its chapters and teams take part in our month-long awareness campaign where our members exhibit their decorated mandilitos (spanish for little aprons) with images and messages depicting the violence many farmworker women face in their homes and also calling for its end.

A big part of Lideres Campesinas’ movement is the use of artivism; not only does this practice empower our members and women farmworkers to speak out against this injustice, but it also helps to educate and inform others who may not know how prevalent this issue is and help reduce the stigma surrounding domestic violence, most importantly people in positions of power who are able to aid in mitigating this abuse.
We invite all of our Líderes Campesinas family to take part this October in the decoration and exhibition of their own mandilito whichever way they wish to do so, as long as it brings awareness on domestic violence.
Additionally, we will be holding a competition for the best motto that best captures the importance of domestic violence awareness. Everyone is invited to create an original saying, slogan, catchphrase, or rallying cry that calls out for the end of domestic violence. The winner will be decided by a majority of votes cast by our Líderes Campesinas Board of Directors. The winner will be announced late September and their phrase will be used as the campaign slogan and mandilito inspiration for the entire month of October.
Everyone can join us during the month of October in our exhibitions, vigils, and virtual events which will be taking place statewide in the regions Líderes Campesinas has an established chapter. Each chapter and team will be announcing dates and locations so make sure to follow our socials to stay on the loop.