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Liliana Vega

Policy and Advocacy Coordinator - Southern California


Adriana Santos



Phone: (831)235-9064

What I like about Líderes Campesinas is its trajectory of many years and the outreach that it has.

Ana Solorio

Project Coordinator/Organizer


Phone: (760)668-6269

I started working for Líderes Campesinas in 2021 under the CWOP project and I knew it was what I was looking for for the Imperial Valley community many years ago. 19 years ago we needed an agency to support the most vulnerable workers here. Líderes Campesinas is an organization made up of farmworkers and it supports farmworkers 100% to advocate for the human rights of each farm worker.

Beatriz Felix

Outreach Worker


Phone: (760)668-0479

The work of Líderes Campesinas is unique and inspiring, hearing the stories from our membership of how Líderes Campesinas has changed their lives for the better.

I like the work that is done to help rural women because they have been quite disprivileged 1. for being low-income, 2. for being women, and 3. for not knowing about their rights. I can personally say that when I was part of the youth group it helped me a lot to stay away from bad friendships and addictions. It helped me develop great leadership and self-confidence. I visited many places and made many connections. It helped me recognize in time when I found myself with a toxic partner which made it not difficult for me to have to end the relationship because it was early detection.

Erica Cabrera

Project Coordinator/Organizer


Phone: (209)354-6100

Esbeidy Piña Alcantar

Outreach Worker


Gabina Santos

Project Coordinator/Organizer


Phone: (831)277-0512

I joined Líderes Campesinas for its activism and to be able to help my community. I’m passionate about education and the empowerment of women and girl farmworkers.

Herendida Delena

Outreach Worker

Phone: (831)837-5219

The reason why I joined Líderes Campesinas was to support and contribute trust to our farmworkers. My family worked in the fields and before there was no support like there is today, so now that we have the opportunity to provide support it’s important that we do it. I’m passionate about being able to help my agricultural community. Having the ability to provide them the support that our farm working women really need.

Irlanda Ramírez

Project Coordinator / Organizer


Phone: (559)553-5713

I enjoy working directly with farm working women, the education and the empowerment so that their leadership grows and becomes the bridge to create change within them and their communities. I joined Líderes Campesinas because it’s an organization that works directly with farm working women and empowers them to be agents of change in their communities.

Leticia Cervantes

Outreach Worker


Phone: (805)319-8778

The necessity to feel part of the community, the topic of immigration (which took a lot from me personally) and in the search to belong, I found Líderes Campesinas ; it reconnected me to my past and it help me support my family. I’m passionate about the direct contact with the community, to learn about them and to support them. I also feel happy learning about topics that help make farm-working women grow.