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Strategic Growth Council Appoints Inaugural California Agricultural Land Equity Task Force Members

| California Strategic Growth Council

The California Strategic Growth Council has unanimously and enthusiastically appointed twelve inaugural members of the California Agricultural Land Equity Task Force, which will develop policy recommendations to equitably increase access to agricultural land for food production and traditional tribal agricultural uses. Established by California’s State Legislature last year, the Task Force will meet every quarter over three years and submit a full report of policy recommendations to the State Legislature and Governor by January 1, 2026.

‘They’re sacrificing us’: a California town feels ignored months after flood

| The Guardian

The small, agricultural town of Planada was inundated amid a wave of intense storms this winter. Residents, many of whom are undocumented, say they have been neglected.

Organization working to raise awareness on sexual harassment female farmworkers face

| Bakersfield Now

BAKERSFIELD, California — An organization known as ‘Lideres Campesinas’ is trying to bring attention to issues women farmworkers face.
They are farmworkers themselves, who reach out to the community and inform them of their rights. They focus on raising awareness of pesticide abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault.

An immigrant farmer grew produce for restaurants. California floods ruined her crops

| The Guardian

The water came in a rush – tearing through planted rows of cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower before crashing into the tractors and farm equipment. Within hours, much of María Inés Catalán’s 41-acre (17-hectare) organic farm in Hollister, California, had disappeared under several feet of water.

Campaña para concientizar a trabajadoras del campo sobre los abusos sexuales

| Univision

Estas trabajadoras representan un grupo muy susceptible de ser víctima de abusos sexuales, debido a que no denuncian por el temor a perder su empleo.

Proponen facilitar la residencia permanente a trabajadores agrícolas de California

| Univision

Se estima que un 75% de trabajadores agrícolas en California son indocumentados, por lo que una propuesta busca facilitarles el camino a la residencia permanente.