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Tres Hijas Berry Farms to Pay $200,000 in EEOC Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

| U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

CAMARILLO, Calif. – Tres Hijas Berry Farms, LLC, will pay $200,000 and furnish injunctive relief to settle a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today. The EEOC brought the lawsuit on behalf of a class of agricultural workers, whose primary language is Spanish.

Campaign for Healthier Solutions Testing Dollar Store Products as Dollar Stores Lag on Chemical Safety

| Coming Clean

On May 29, 2024, representatives of the Campaign for Healthier Solutions attended Dollar General’s annual shareholders meeting in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, urging the company to commit to eliminating chemicals of concern from its supply chain. After the company failed to make any new commitments to strengthen its chemical policy or expand its restricted substance list, representatives from the campaign delivered a letter to company executives urging additional action, and announced that they were actively testing Dollar General products for chemicals linked to health conditions like cancer, learning disabilities, and reproductive harm.

Funding Restorative Justice for our Schools is the First Step – Now it’s Time for aPlan

| The Desert Sun

The Coachella Valley Unified School District has released its draft LCAP for the 2024-25 school year. The district presented its goals for the next three years at its May 16 meeting. The LCAP, or the Local Control and Accountability Plan, is how school districts across California determine their goals, set plans to reach those goals and allocate funding. It’s also the best indicator of what the school district is prioritizing in the coming years.

I put my body on the line. Will Gov. Newsom fund crime victim services?

| The Orange County Register

Last week I laid down on the floor inside of the Swing Space chanting, “Don’t balance the budget on our backs. No podemos equilibrar el presupuesto sobre las espaldas de los sobrevivientes.” I was wearing a red shirt to symbolize the blood California will have on its hands should it choose not to fund crime victim services.

First heat wave of the year brings more work shortages for farmworkers

| Bakersfield Now

BAKERSFIELD, California — The Central Valley is finishing out its first heat wave of the year. Despite it only being three days long, many in the agriculture industry are already feeling the heat, especially farmworkers.

Families gather to honor and share their stories at Crime Victims’ Rights March

| Bakersfield Now

Once a year families gather to march in downtown Bakersfield. Each one is seeking justice for their loved ones.

One of these families was the family of 21-year-old Isaiah Leyva. His mother, Jaqueline Angeles, is looking to find out who shot and killed her son three years ago.

Women in Farm Work March for Solidarity

| Fox 40

Hundreds of women farmworkers and their allies marched in Sacramento as part of several days of meetings with state legislators in Sacramento.

Las Historias Que Cuentan: Trabajadores Agrícolas Presentan Historias Digitales Sobre Los Cambios Climáticos


El 4 de octubre se presentaron la segunda ronda de las presentaciones de historias digitales en la escuela César E. Chávez. Las historias digitales tienen como meta traer conciencia en como el cambio climatólogo afecta la salud de la comunidad campesina. El proyecto nació en un grupo de enfoque de la comunidad, principalmente por las necesidades de las comunidades que no saben leer, ni escribir el español o inglés. Estos videos se hicieron para que la comunidad pudiera expresar su sentir, sobre las dificultades que tienen, sobre los cambios climáticos en su trabajo en el campo.

California becomes first state to offer health insurance to undocumented immigrants

California is now the first state in the nation to provide health insurance to undocumented immigrants. It’s a historic moment for all undocumented immigrants who now find themselves eligible for health insurance.

Un festejo especial para las familias campesinas

| Telemundo

Decenas de familias campesinas locales despidieron el 2022 con un gran festejo para ellas, especialmente gracias a la organización Líderes Campesinas.